Updated 6/15/20 - We currently have 3 bedroom units ready for leasing. Applications are available in the office. Please bring a picture ID, and have Social Security numbers for everyone that will be on the application.
Also, if you come in to apply for a 3 bedroom unit …. please bring the following information with you, or as soon as possible after your application has been turned in. For 1, 2, and 4 bedroom applicants, this information is not wanted at the time your application is filled out, but will be required at a later time.
* Social Security cards for everyone on the application.
* Birth Certificates for everyone on the application.
* Driver's License, or state ID for everyone 18 and older.
* Last 6 consecutive weeks of check stubs for all employed adults.
* Current DHS information (cash grant "budget" & "payment history")
* Copies of custody papers for minor children in the household and
"payment history" to show any child support payments for the last 12 months.
* Current Social Security, SSI, or disability income received by anyone
on the application.
* Last 6 months of checking statements (include all pages (must show
beginning and ending balances for each month))
* Current savings account statement.
* Verification of any household income, or any other assets that you or
any other household member hold, or are listed on.