Rent at Bangor Downs is based on 30% of your gross income. For some, there are many factors to figure into calculating rent. The following is a simple version of this process. This example is based on an applicant making minimum wage, and working an average of 30 hours a week.
$ 9.65 (hourly pay)
x 30 (average weekly hours)
$ 289.50 (average weekly pay)
x 52 (weeks in the year)
$ 15,054.00 (average yearly income)
- 960.00 ($480 is deducted for each child on the application. This example is for 2)
$ 14,094.00
x .30% (30% of your gross income)
$ 4,228.20
÷ 12 (months of the year)
$ 352.35 (rounded off – $352.00 would be the security deposit)
$ - 129.00 (the utility allowance that is subtracted for a 3 bedroom unit – see below*)
$ 223.35 (rounded off - rent would be $223.00 a month )
*A utility allowance is the average amount of the utility bills for that size unit. That amount is deducted from what the rent ‘could’ be. They are the following: 1 Br - $90, 2 Br - $104, 3 Br - $129, 4 Br - $148